Peter's Auto Repairs Ltd

17 Gorst Road, Park Royal, London NW10 6LA
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Your Local Air Conditioning Specialist** - Save £££ with Peter’s Auto Repairs**

Problems with your car’s air conditioning unit?

Air conditioning & Climate Control in London

New systems and repair services

Once an expensive option on Large luxury vehicles Air condition and climate control has grown in popularity and is now one of the most requested features on new cars

The main benefits of air condition


Not only does it cool you in summer months but a properly working system can control a comfortable temperature in cooler months


As the air is cooler (entering the vehicle) the moisture it contains condenses on the surface of the evaporate, before trickling off harmlessly create a pleasant environment in the cabin of the vehicle


Dust, pollen, & other air bonre pollutants and particulates are all filtered by a correctly operating air conditioning & climate control system this helps create

Without properly functioning temperature controls, your car can become extremely uncomfortable to drive. If your air conditioning isn’t functioning as it should, Choose Peter’s Auto Repair for guaranteed service and price.

Blocked or damaged vents cleared and fixed

Re-gassing and coolant top-ups

Diagnostic checks for electronic controls

Heating and cooling systems fitted

An approved service centre

Stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter

Competitive, affordable rates

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